"İntikamın semayesi ömürdür" ''the main capital partner of revenge is life'' #manuscript
19 Aralık 2021 Pazar
4 Aralık 2021 Cumartesi
19 Kasım 2021 Cuma
Excerpt page from my master thesis
"Graphical infrastructure and compositional construct of Turkish calligraphy art]''
/ Mimar Sinan Fine Art University İstanbul/ Kadir Yılmaz 2010 (Langue: Turkish) https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/
''Farklı geometrik biçimler bir yön içinde kompoze edildiğinde bütün olarak algılanırlar'''
Alıntı: "Turk Hat Sanatında Kompozisyonların Grafik Altyapısı" Kadir Yılmaz 2010 (Yüksek Lisans tezi)
Summary The lines between traditional arts which explore via the basic building blocks with precious works have been around for centuries. Undoubtedly, this development accelerated during the Conqueror-15 Century. In this regard, the great cultural heritage of works on the historical development of art has created line writing. It provides platform to comment on the aesthetic works during the period between 15-19 centuries. Obviously, the importances of traditions, cultural and social developments have been portrayed. However, the modernized line art composites of designed methods, directions, unity, the golden ratio, balance, rhythm and the optical equilibrium under headings such as an optical illusion works for the purpose of examining the line art which will bring a different aesthetic interpretation. In this respect, designed works which are waiting to be examined under the headings described above will be seen as the presence of good design. Although all of the characteristics of rhythm-balance, direction, unity, Golden ratio, the design rules, and moreover the works of the main topics are not applied theoretically on the line art, they have been applied to the line literature in a practical manner. 2010 (kadir yilmaz)
2 Kasım 2021 Salı
22 Ekim 2021 Cuma
Nes'tâlîk karalama (Farsça: Ka'be bunyâd-ı Halîl-i Âzer'est Dil nazargâh-ı Celîl-i ekberest)
"Kâbe, Hazeroğlu İbrahim'in yaptığı taş bir yapıdır. Gönülse C.Hakk'ın nazar ettiği yerdir"…
21 Ekim 2021 Perşembe
17 Ekim 2021 Pazar
15 Ekim 2021 Cuma
14 Ekim 2021 Perşembe
11 Ekim 2021 Pazartesi
3 Ekim 2021 Pazar
''He wouldn’t ask, and if he did, he would have known. He doesn’t know, he’d ask, and if he knew, he’d ask .''
the pen point (red points) is a unit of measure in the art of calligraphy. the ratio of the letters according to the type of writing is determined by punctuation and numerical ratios. it's like the proposition in the picture..
the stage of learning letters is called "mashk" (training))
1)Bilirsin ki bilmezsin/ Sormazsın ki bilesin/ korkarsın ki sorasın/ Diyeler ki bilmezsin/
30 Eylül 2021 Perşembe
27 Eylül 2021 Pazartesi
23 Eylül 2021 Perşembe
20 Eylül 2021 Pazartesi
19 Eylül 2021 Pazar
Like this: 'Every The Future Is Closer Than We Think' ( There is no distance to what is to come.) arabic proverb 'külli âtin kharîb' ''Her gelecek yakındır''
![]() |
''Bismillahirahmanirrahim/ İnned dine indellahil islam'' Âl-i İmrân 19 |
5 Eylül 2021 Pazar
15 Ağustos 2021 Pazar
31 Temmuz 2021 Cumartesi
Yâ Hafez'' it covers the following meanings: "to protect, to preserve, to remember, to learn by heart, Oh, my God."
painting plating design (tazhib) from: Shabnam Vard, İsfahan, 2010/ "Yâ Hâfîz'' Esması (Koruyan, muhafaza eden) 11 yıl önce
29 Temmuz 2021 Perşembe
4 Haziran 2021 Cuma
1 Haziran 2021 Salı
'Horozu çok olan köyün sabahı geç olur' karalama
UK saying (US too many cooks spoil the soup) said when there are too many people involved in trying to do the same thing, so that the final result will not be good. OttomanTurkish like this: "if the cock is too much it'll be late in the morning" paper on ink
25 Mayıs 2021 Salı
15 Mayıs 2021 Cumartesi
12 Mayıs 2021 Çarşamba
Firavun kavmini küçümsedi" (kendisine itaat etmeleri için sihirbazlarla aptallaştırdı.) 💆 "Festeḣaffe kavmehu fe-etâ’ûh(u)" Zuhruf,54 📐Nestalik "Thus did he make fools of his people.." 📖 #nastaliq paper indian ink 🌁
3 Mayıs 2021 Pazartesi
And the Sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (him), the exalted in might, the all- knowing''
pepaper, ink #Nastaliq and #Thuluth handwrite
''Güneş de; kendisine mahsus bir yörüngede koşturup durmaktadır. O işte azîz-i alim'in takdiridir.'' )
Sure-i Yasin 38
Satır: 'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim / Veş şemsu tecrî li mustekarrin lehâ/
Daire İstif: "Zalike Takdîrul Azîzil Alîm'"
1 Mayıs 2021 Cumartesi
22 Nisan 2021 Perşembe
''a thrown arrow does not returned'' like this: ''look before you leap'' proverb Ottomanturkish, jali diwani hand lattering paper on ink.
Slide screen👉
''Atılan ok geri dönmez''
Celî Divanî
10 Nisan 2021 Cumartesi
(The eye of content is dull of every defect. While the eye of discontent shows every defect.) (#quotes
#nastaliq #lettering calligraphy paper on paintig #acrylicart
'' Rıza ile bakan göz kusur görmez; kusur arayan göz, hüner görmez" Lâedrî.
*Ayn-ur Rıza: Rıza gözü.Kusur görmeden bakan muhabbet gözü
İlk satır Nes'tâlîk 2.satır Nesih hattı.
1 Mart 2021 Pazartesi
13 Şubat 2021 Cumartesi
7 Şubat 2021 Pazar
Sung by
Suleiman the Magnificent (1494/ 1566 Ottoman)
''Halk içinde muteber bir nesne yok devlet gibi/ olmaya devlet cihanda bir nefes sıhhat gibi''
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman.
Yazı nev'i: Hatt-ı İcâze (Rikaa)
15 Ocak 2021 Cuma
''Everything comes to him who waits'' This type of writing is: "Muhaqaq" Going back to the time of Timur C13th
"Zafer onu sabırla bekleyenlere gelir" ... Türkçe transkript: ''men sabera zafera' Yazı Nev'i: ''Muhakkak''