31 Temmuz 2021 Cumartesi


Yâ Hafez'' it covers the following meanings: "to protect, to preserve, to remember, to learn by heart, Oh, my God."
painting plating design (tazhib) from: Shabnam Vard, İsfahan, 2010/  "Yâ Hâfîz'' Esması (Koruyan, muhafaza eden) 11 yıl önce 


When whither go ye?'' thuluth #handwriting "latinize traskiript: ''Fe-eyne teżhebûn'' ''Peki (hâl böyle iken siz) nereye gidiyorsunuz?" Tekvir 26 Sülüs yazı. 

29 Temmuz 2021 Perşembe


''Yâ Şâfî'' شافی / ʃɑ:fi: / adjective 1. health giving, healing, curative efficacious 2. (figurative) convincing (reply) salutary (answer) categorical 3. decisive final masculine noun restorer to health, healer an epithet of Allah/// Picture 2) '' Bu da geçer yâ Hû' ' This too shall pass',